Essay Writing Forest

Forest conservation – The importants of wild life -wild life sanctuavies.
Forest are necessary to maintain the ecological balance .if we destroy
forests in order to build more houses and buildings and to improve our standred
of living ,we will soon find that it will soon find that it will be difficult for live .
When forest are destroyed , there will be less rain . More over there will be soil
erosion . The
land will became barren and food production will decrease rapidly . This will
result in famine , and many people will die . Thus our attempts to increase our
happiness will have just the opposite effect , if we do not learn to live in harmony
with nature .
The faclity of the soil depends on the plants. The humus produced
bydeomposing leves and plant make
the top soil very fulile.Thus plants prevent soil erosion by wind. By holding the
soil.Fimly togetere, the roots ofplants make to prevent water from flowing away
easily.The water that is thus retained seepi underground and will remain there
from where we can get it back during day periods.If there are no trees,rain water
falling on the land wash away gets deposited in river beds, the rivers become
shallow and fall to hold all the water reaching it. The surplus water spills over the
banks, and there will be floods. Thus cutting down of trees disturbs the water
cycle, which leads to floods, landslides and other natural disasters .
It is therefore absolutely necessary that we should preserve our forest.
Our country has only 19/ cent of its land under forest. .This is far below the ideal
requisite of thirty -three per cent of the land being under forest.
Wild animals live in forests. Princes and aristocrats used to hund wild animals
in olden days.As a result of indiscriminate hunding,many species of wild animals
are facing extinction. The wild life (protection) Act of 1972 bans killing of many
endangeed species like the lion, tiyee,the Indian shinaceros, the swamp deer and
the Indian elephant.The trade and export of tiger and panthereskin, rhino hom
and snake and crocordile skin is now prohibited. The Indian board for wild life
keeps a constant. vigil over the various programes of wild life conservation. A wild
life week is observed theoughout India from the first to the eighth of october
every year. The aim is to creat a greater awaeeness about the need for protection
of our wild life from extinction.
We have set up several national parks and wild life sancturies in our country to
protect various forms of wild life. a national park or a wildlifesanctury is an area of
forest which has been declared to be a national park or a wild life sanctury.killing
of wild animals and birds is prohibited within that area.there is a wild life sanctury
at puchi in kerela.                                


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